Animal Production 2014


Livestock keeping and crop production can coexist very well since an integrated approach is the key to establish a closed nutrient management cycle. Fresh fish, meat, milk and honey are products which can increase the houshold income for a small scale farmer significantly. To run a livestock enterprise successfully good management practices are needed. The course gives introduction into animal health, feeding, housing and general production.

In 2014 two Animal Production courses will be conducted both contain a basic introduction which includes:

o Animal health
o Medicinal plants for various animal diseases and vaccinations
o Control of ticks in livestock using natural remedies
o Animal housing
o Livestock feeding (Ruminants & non-ruminants)
o Hydroponics
o Silage preparation

And a choice of different special topics in course I & II

SAT AP 001
o Introduction to poultry production
o Introduction to rabbit production
o Introduction to fish farming

SAT AP 002
o Introduction to beekeeping
o Introduction to dairy production

13th Oct. %u2013 17th Oct. 2014 Course ID: AP 001 (Poultry, rabit and fish)

17th Nov. %u2013 21st Nov. 2014 Course ID: AP 002 (Beekeeping and dairy)

Training Fee: TZS 350,000/= per participant, the fee is inclusive of training, materials, accommodation and meals at the center.

Facilitators: Richard Gombe and Janet Maro

Venue: SAT Training Centre in Vianzi (approx. 20km from Morogoro city)

Apply to: Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), P.O.Box 6369, Morogoro, 255 (0) 754 925560, 255 (0) 655 925560
