Feed Outlook July 2016


The July 2016 Feed Outlook report contains projections for the 2015/16 and 2016/17 U.S. and global feed markets based on the most current World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate.

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Table 1 Feed grains: U.S. quarterly supply and disappearance (million bushels),
Table 2 Feed and residual use of wheat and coarse grains,
Table 3 Cash feed grain prices,
Table 4 Selected feed and feed byproduct prices (dollars per ton),
Table 5 Corn: Food, seed, and industrial use (million bushels)
Table 6 Wholesale corn milling product and byproduct prices,
Table 7 U.S. feed grain imports by selected sources (1,000 metric tons)
Table 8 U.S. feed grain exports by selected destinations (1,000 metric tons)

Fuente: http://www.ers.usda.gov/